Topic: How-To
Building a Documentation Habit
Documentation is great when it's great and terrible when it's not, but a habit to document, review, and improve is a good habit for a team. -
How I am Super Techy in my Gherkin
Gherkin doesn't need to just be weird and contrived pseudo-business language. Here's how I drive techy projects faster with techy Gherkin. -
The Art of Hype-Driven Development
The five simple steps to embracing and weilding the hype cycle for drudgery and someone else's profit. -
Testing Logging in ASP.NET Core
Comprehensive integration tests may need to validate that specific logs are output in certain conditions. Luckily, this is very easy in ASP.NET Core.
Publish Your Blogroll Now
I've done it and so can you; in fact, I've made it easier for you - way easier! -
Guerrila DevEx Testing
Developer experience is subjective. Employ the 'hallway test' method to ascertain your code's quality. -
Postgres: Use Views to Refactor to Soft Delete
Refactors are tough, database refactors are scary. Being a bit clever can save us a lot of pain! -
Roll Your Own C# Results
C# doesn't have discriminated unions yet, but that shouldn't stop us from adopting the result pattern to strengthen and simplify our code. It's not complicated at all to create result objects that give us all the expressiveness and safety we want! -
Roll Your Own End-to-End Encryption in Blazor WASM
Using the SubtleCrypto API to get simple end-to-end encryption for a collaborative Blazor WASM app.
90% of my Homepage was Useless
In a few days, I reduced the size of my homepage to 10% of what it had been, and sped it up by 50-66%. -
Clean Meetings: A Software Engineer's Guide
If being in meetings all day isn't bad enough, spending more time thinking about them seems horrible. Here's a simple guide on making sure you're getting the most out of your meetings. -
Write Your Own RDBMS Versioned Migration Boilerplate
Versioned migrations are an essential tool for systems using an RDBMS, and it's no work at all to start your applications the right way with this pattern. -
Adding a Database to our Railway App
Last time I looked at Railway, I got it up and running with a Blazor WASM app. Now, I'll look at adding a PostgreSQL database to it. -
Quick & Dirty Sequential IDs in MongoDB
Mongo doesn't natively support generating sequential IDs. Here's a quick & dirty solution to get you up and going if you need sequential IDs. -
Deploying ASP.NET 7 Projects with Railway
Railway is a startup cloud infrastructure provider that has gained traction for being easy to use and cheap for hobbyists. Let's get a .NET 7 Blazor WASM app up and running with it!