Ian Wold

Hi, I'm Ian! I'm a software engineer, architect, and team leader based in Minneapolis with 14 years of professional experience. My bread and butter is .NET, but I find enjoyment and interest in using a diverse set of technologies. My alma mater is the University of Iowa in Iowa City, where I studied Philosophy and Computer Science.

I spend the majority of my time solving the same problems over and over again, breaking them down and looking at them from different angles. I enjoy finding simple, elegant solutions to complicated problems. I think the best solutions come from thoughtful and deliberate relationships with people - people using, commissioning, or otherwise affected by my code. Ideally, I'd like those solutions to last for a while.

Outside of work, I find balance in my hobbies and my community. I'm frequently posted up at local pubs and breweries - interrupted by the occasional church gathering - speaking with my neighbors and meeting new folks. I keep my body active by walking, biking, or canoeing, and I keep my eye sharp with my enjoyment of billiards. My passion for philosophy adds a lot of color to my life, and my amateur engagement with classical architecture reminds me of the importance of crafting enduring, beautiful work.

I keep a blogroll with all the other blogs I like to read. Want me to check yours out? Feel free to reach out!


FreePlanningPoker.io on Web and GitHub: A free tool for software teams to do "planning poker" exercises. It's always going to be free, without limits.

StaticBlogroll on GitHub: Quickly publish a statically-generated blogroll with GitHub Actions and Pages.

CFWeaver on GitHub: A CLI tool to generate test scenarios from a control flow diagram.

Metalsharp on GitHub and NuGet: A tiny and extendable C# library for generating static sites, inspired by Metalsmith.

Daily Grug on Web: Need inspiration start day, made API.