Topic: Patterns
The Modular Monolith Won't Save You
I must once again insist there are no silver bullets; knowing architectural patterns is no substitute for knowing how to write software. -
Book Club 1/25: Results, Railways, and Decisions
A story on a successful result and insights gained from some more heady research this month.
Book Club 5/2024: SOLID
Is SOLID still relevant? -
Roll Your Own C# Results
C# doesn't have discriminated unions yet, but that shouldn't stop us from adopting the result pattern to strengthen and simplify our code. It's not complicated at all to create result objects that give us all the expressiveness and safety we want! -
Book Club 4/2024: I Don't Like ORMs
Object-relational mappers are more trouble than they're worth. -
I've IndieWebbed My Site
A small, loose collection of formats and protocols, IndieWeb is an interesting supplement (maybe alternative) to social media -
The Network is Unreliable and Reliability is Scary
Indeed the network is unreliable, and this is especially concerning for modern, distributed system. The catch though is that it never can be 100% reliable, and we can't create systems that perfectly compensate for this.