Topic: Industry
The Modular Monolith Won't Save You
I must once again insist there are no silver bullets; knowing architectural patterns is no substitute for knowing how to write software. -
The Art of Hype-Driven Development
The five simple steps to embracing and weilding the hype cycle for drudgery and someone else's profit.
Intuiting Jevon's Paradox
On the unintuitive pattern of resource consumption and how it relates to software engineering. -
Book Club 11/2024: No
On forming quality opinions and saying 'no' -
Book Club 8/2024: Labor
Using Labor Day as an excuse to wonder about some recent trends in the industry -
Scrum is not Agile
Taking a step back to try to be a bit more rigorous about these process terms we use. -
Farewell, Twin Cities Code Camp
Looking back on my favorite local conference. -
Book Club 1/2024: What is a Software Architect?
A few meandering and maybe unhelpful thoughts on the title "Software Architect" -
Eight Maxims
A few principles for thoughtful software engineering.