Ian Wold

Many Dimensions of Heterogeneity

25 October 2024 20 Minutes History Distribution Architecture

The final fallacy of distributed computing - 'The Network is Always homogenous' - has more dimensions than typically considered. These tie all the other fallacies together.


The eighth and final fallacy of distributed computing is "the network is homogenous," originally referring to network hardware. The caution at the time was to not overlook the challenges in dealing with different physical routers, switches, servers, and the like when dispatching requests across a network.

Over time software protocols have been able to alleviate most hardware concerns for developers of modern distributed systems, so the fallacy is more often used now to caution that the software dimension is heterogeneous. Changing topologies, different protocols or message formats, and evolving network configurations and policies are some examples in this dimension. As components of distributed systems are increasingly tended to by greater numbers of administrators, the degree of network heterogeneity at the software level increases.

The next dimension above this is maybe the most interesting one - architectural heterogeneity. This would encompass everything from differences in the semantics of contracts and business objects to persistence and consistency models to SLAs (service level agreements). This dimension is not frequently touched on in discussions regarding the fallacies of distributed computing, and I think that's a shame. I typically think of a distributed system being more difficult and/or complex than a monolith by a factor of 10 in every aspect - 10x more surface area for bugs, 10x as many considerations to guard against, 10x as much development time required, etc. It occurs to me then that there would be 10x as much architectural burden from these systems, and the heterogeneity of the constituent parts of the system is directly contributing to that.

Having already discussed most technical aspects of the fallacies in my other articles on the matter, here I want to focus on the various dimensions in which distributed systems are heterogeneous. Just as standardized abstractions and a defensive attitude are able to stave off the complications which were initially observed stemming from hardware heterogeneity, I think we'll find the same approach will adapt well to these other dimensions.

The Software Dimension #

If we review my previous articles on distributed computing, we'll quickly find that distributed systems often do not - nay, typically do not - have homogenous latency, bandwidth, security, topologies, nor administration. We've well-explored the software causes and solutions to these in the past. There are plenty of software-level concerns apart from these networking ones to explore.

Protocols and Formats #

These are, of course, the fundamental building blocks of any kind of distribution scheme. I need a protocol for the client and server to understand to transact packets, and those packets need to be formatted in a mutually intelligible manner. I think it's fair to say that today we have a healthy set of each to choose from which are well-defined and well-established. IP, DNS, HTTP(S), FTP, TCP, Websockets; XML, JSON, Protobuf; I needn't list them all but you get the picture. If we're building a brand new system today we're probably going to fall back on the good 'ol DNS, HTTPS, JSON, UTF-8, and the like - you know the drill.

All of our languages, frameworks, and tooling supports this stack natively and of course also supports the other common protocols and formats. But we'll use the familiar defaults and then we won't need to worry about differences right? Well, just a decade ago (maybe a decade and a half? Surely not two decades yet? Time flies...) a lot of us were thinking that SOAP and WSDLs and XML was the greatest thing since sliced bread and it would be great into the future. Visual Studio could generate a client so easily! So that didn't pan out, and now a lot of us need to write code to integrate with these systems we now call "legacy" because we don't like WSDLs today.

Popular protocols and formats move on, and this introduces multiple protocols into our systems. We can also inherit them if we absorb another company's system into our own (takeover, merger, etc). Sometimes our services even have technical requirements to differ! It's the same with formats, where XML gave way to JSON and then for a few months everyone wanted to switch to Protobuf. Versioning is especially fun too - HTTP/1.1 differs from HTTP/2 in a lot of ways.

Nowadays we tend to do a pretty good job, when using HTTP, to pass necessary information along with the headers - this data is JSON, it's UTF-8, and so on. I've yet to see a header though detail what format the dates are though, and in spite of my best efforts I still run into date (de)serialization issues every now and again.

There's a whole lot of detail in these, and assuming two services are 100% in-line with each other - even if they agree HTTP, JSON, and the like - is to commit this fallacy. Indeed, this is perhaps the area of the greatest heterogeneity in our systems, even though we might not notice all of it. In a few paragraphs I'll discuss the semantics of contracts, and it's in these contract negotiations that this can all be hashed out. While you're arguing whether the API needs to return the created date for an object, you should also be having the conversation of what that (or any) date looks like. The increasing standardization of our protocols and formats is welcome, as is the tendency for our tools to become more resilient with each other as a result. None of this saves us from the fact that these differences exist. At that, they don't just possibly exist, they very well do in each of our systems!

Software Stacks #

It's been said quite a bit about microservices - less and less lately now that the trend is subsiding - that one of their great advantages is the ability for separate teams to use different technology stacks - even different languages - in building out their individual services. Certainly this is a significant side effect of the architecture, thogh depending on what kind of organization you're working for this can be significantly good or significantly bad. The idea of watching the ripple effects across a department of 50 C# engineers slowly coming to the realization of the implications of one team having gone rogue in deploying a Clojure gRPC service is an entertaining one.

Not that I've ever observed such a phenomenon.

But here you might say: "Well Ian, this is simple! We can have some organizational coding standards, enforce C# and some common Nuget libraries, and avoid the concern!" If this is you, then it is you for whom I am writing this article, for this line of reasoning is to fall victim to one of the classic blunders: it is this fallacy!

Separate teams deploying separate services will diverge and have separate tech stacks. Separate tech stacks communicating with each other will have inconsistencies. Tautologies are always true. Being clear, this will always be a bug vector, but to be aware of this fact is to minimize the surface area of the vector. Do vectors have surfaces? I'm bad at geometry.

This usually crops up in small things. Do the two separate systems have the same ability to parse dates? Do the email validations follow the same rules? Do you have addresses? Do you have international addresses? Do you have a button on your site that says "I know you weren't able to parse this address but keep the one I entered"? My disdain for handling addresses aside, just in data interpretation alone there are so many points for slight divergence between different software systems - different libraries, languages, configuration defaults thereof, and so on.

Let's throw some load balancers, firewalls, and caches on top. What kinds of request policies do these expect of your client? Is the client service capable of acting in a manner friendly with this? You'd expect so, but the point is to not assume so. All of these concerns are, in theory, wrapped up into the contract negotiated between the two entities. And how many contract negotiations have happened that excluded, uh, most of the things it should include? Haha, this article doesn't seem so pointless all of a sudden!

This bleeds nicely into the next dimension: if we can't trust the components of a distributed system to be architecturally homogenous with each other, can we at least trust the network itself to be architecturally homogenous?

The Architecture Dimension #

To immediately answer the above question: no, of course not!

For a long time I disregarded the eighth fallacy - the network is homogenous - as its original sense doesn't really apply as much any more. It gained a new life for me in this more abstract sense having read David Boike's article for Particular on this same fallacy. It's unfortunate that article is so short because there's plenty more to be said regarding architectural heterogeneity.

Semantics: Objects, Actions, and Contracts #

Now you might be tempted to dismiss this as just a difference in semantics (hahaha ... please laugh) but this really does matter. In fact, semantics is a lot of what we do in modeling the business, whether we know it or not. Ensuring consistency between our semantics is paramount to ensuring a correct mapping of the business domain. Misunderstandings - even at a fine-grained semantic level, is an ever-present vector for bugs.

I currently work in ecommerce, so I can take the business object "item" to demonstrate semantic difference. Items exist, obviously, all over the place on a shop website. You can view an item, maybe customize it with some options, and you can add it to a cart or a registry. This involves at least three teams: an items team, a cart team, and a registry team. Does item mean the same thing to all these teams?

Let's say the items team is tasked with maintaining a service that stores all the items; this is the source of truth for what the "Luxury Dinner Plate" and other items are. Their service lets you query the details for this item and produces events when it becomes no longer available and the like. To the items service, that's what an item is: It has details (name, price, personalization options) and can go in and out of availability, and it only ever has a single "Luxury Dinner Plate".

But now take the cart or the registry. Those can have multiple "Luxury Dinner Plate"s in them, maybe with different personalization options. Therefore you'd expect the cart and registry services to have different identifiers for their items than the item service; an item for these other services is actually an item in cart or item in registry. Hopefully it's clear then the importance that when these teams work together (and consequently when the services interact with each other, directly or indirectly) that everyone understands the semantic difference. For quick example, it would be insufficient for an "item shipped" event to only include the identifying item information used by the item service but exclude information required by the registry service.

That example might or might not be a recent problem I had to tackle.

This naturally extends beyond the objects and their properties to the sorts of actions taken on an object. Of course you can't purchase an item stored in the item service, you can only purchase an item stored in the cart service. If you feel compelled to interject here and try to correct me with "but you can also purchase an item from the registry service!" you'd be wrong! Haha, got you! You cannot, but you can add to cart an item from the registry service. "Oh but come on," I can hear you objecting, "that's just a semantic difference!" Exactly! And if it's left unconsidered you're going to end up with a real fun issue in production.

These two aspects - what an object are and what its actions are - are the basis of contracts between components in the system, and their semantics form part of the semantics of the contracts. I'm being very careful to not accidentally assert that they are all of what the contracts are. No, unfortunately the real world is more complicated, but they're the two halves of domain modeling and consequently I think that object and action semantics are the two main bug vectors from the contract/semantic side. The hope is that this impresses the importance of thoroughness in negotiating and defining these contracts. If you encounter a colleague accusing you of getting too granular or "semantic" about it, remember that that's the whole point!

Persistence and Consistency Models #

That a distributed system would have a mixture of persistence and consistency models is, I think, an absolute certainty. If you're not dealing with enough data or transactions to have to soften data requirements somewhere then your application is probably a poor candidate for distribution.

Persistence models mostly affect individual services while consistency models apply across the system. Ideally components of a distributed system are isolated and one needn't know about the internal function of another (persistence being an "internal function"), though these two do affect each other; different persistence models can allow a service to support a given consistency model more or less easily. A hard persistence model such as ACID ensures a service can maintain data integrity and best supports a hard consistency model, while at the other end a soft soft models such as BASE are entirely contiguous with the softer consistency models.

ACID and BASE, when applied to database transactions, are typically only describing persistence within a discrete service - a single actor against the database. When we move up a level to consider separate pieces of related data in a system, we might find that we need to maintain data integrity across distributed systems, and we might find ourselves tempted to consider support for single transactions distributed across these components. My advice is to avoid distributed transactions at all costs; it is typically an antipattern. If you encounter the need for them this is a smell which indicates that you should either combine the components which share the related data, or you should instead rearchitect the system to accept softer consistency in that data. If you really do need distributed transactions though then use a single database which supports such transactions.

The overall trend though is that distributed systems will result in components with softer persistence models, which in turn results in softer consistency models across the system. I think it would be difficult for a distributed system to avoid having any eventually-consistent components. Considering the technical constraints which we explored with the other fallacies, asynchronous communication is an essential tool in solving some of the more difficult technical issues. Not only does that require accepting eventual consistency, but it circles back to having to accept a soft presistence: packets might get dropped without the downstream system being any the wiser. State drift!

For an example that demonstrates these effects, consider the ecommerce system from before with the items, cart, and registry services. Suppose that to save having too many calls into the items service, we update the items service to send out an event when data about the item changes (let's say name and price), and asking consuming systems to listen to these events and record what they need themselves. It's easy to see a potential issue here: suppose an event goes out and it is received by the cart service but not the registry service: you might get a situation where a customer sees the "Luxury Dinner Plate" for $10 in a registry, adds it to their cart, and then sees it as $12 in the cart because the registry service never got the event that updated the price.

This seems like a glaring issue with event-driven systems, but the key is on data requirements. Perhaps an item price is a poor choice for such a setup, since many systems have a hard requirement to be aligned on that data. How about the name of an item though? That's probably only going to change if there's a typo; this is an excellent candidate to be updated via an asynchronous channel. We can say that item name can accept softer persistence and consistency models, while the item price does not have that luxury.

We do have other options with the item price though. While we might need to accept a very hard persistence model for the item price data, we might be able to identify some components in the system that do not need to have as hard a consistency with item price data than other components. That is to say, some components need real-time item prices, while others would be satisfied with only near-real-time prices. For those latter components, we might be tempted to replicate the item price data geographically so that requests to the item data can still have high throughput with minimal strain on the broader of the network. In such a scheme, the item service would expose two separate interfaces for the real-time and near-real-time flows; the former requests would query against the main dataset (the one which is always written to from which the other replicas copy) guaranteeing real-time data, while the latter requests would query against the closer, faster replica data. Feasibly the items service could be broken out so that the item price data is managed by a separate service, considering the different architectural requirements for this data.

To bring it back around, we can see that different components of the sytem will require different persistence models, and this has a knockon effect of supporting many different (though potentially similar) consistency models. That becomes a cycle where consistency models will influence individual persistence models, with the asterisk in the whole cycle being that business requirements will set lines in the sand as to how far in any direction the system can move here. Components with different models will interact with each other in interesting ways, which makes this a crucial area requiring communication and understanding. Even between two services which each describe their consistency model in the same way, to assume they really are entirely the same is a potential flaw.

SLAs and QoS #

One of my favorite observations to come out of the microservices milieu is that most microservices, in most microservice setups, don't implement proper failover techniques. Or, they don't implement them at all. This is to say that if Service A depends on Service B then Service A really should be able to serve requests with some kind of meaningful response (other than 502) when Service B is down, but this seems to be implemented infrequently. If we expand this to a system containing many services which are probably not isolating themselves from downstream failures, it's easy to see the potential for cascading failures; these might be incurred by network errors or low fault tolerance. Indeed, when my service depends on another it's difficult to figure how to get around that dependency when it is down. This is often where it's beneficial to be able to grasp the wider scope of the system and ensure its architecture supports the kinds of services which are able to do that.

We can see there's two aspects (beyond architecting the system and coding the services correctly) which influence the fault tolerance architecture of a service. The first is how these aspects are included in the contract(s) the service has with its client(s): what uptime is guaranteed, average response time targets, and so on. This is the SLA, or Service-Level Agreement. The second aspect is the relationship the service has with the network: different services have different performance and network-usage characteristics requiring different provisions of network resources. This is the QoS, or Quality of Service. Think of SLAs as keeping up the business functionality and QoS supporting the overall network functionality. These are two aspects which should be analyzed, have standards agreed, and monitored. To be clear though, this doesn't need to be an overly formal thing if you're supporting a simpler system - but because you are monitoring your services (right?) then you should be setting metrics for what you expect to see at the least.

The key point to be made here, of course, is that the SLA and QoS goals are going to be different for each component in the system. Having the targets for each defined are what allow me to plan for those differences; actually implementing strategies for this heterogeneity is the next step. The implementation is a continuous action of monitoring and adjusting. You'll adjust your architecture to support different techniques for failover and fault tolerance and you'll adjust your network to accommodate the many different requirements. Just as well that we haven't fallen on the assumption of homogeneity here - look at what we can do!

Managing the QoS is about shaping the network traffic - something that we're well-familiar with having reached the end of our series on the fallacies. This involves identifying where we can apply traffic shaping mechanisms, rate limiting, and the like. There's lot of ways of going about finding these; it suffices to say that you should be logging information from your services which help identify traffic patterns. Relying on the OpenTelemetry standard can allow you to analyze these with very good tools like Honeycomb. If all of your traffic passes through a gateway, firewall, or other central component (which is a questionable practice depending on what that central component is) then you can get some very fine-grained monitoring here.

Of course since you've got your monitoring set up it's much easier to enforce your SLA targets; most tools can set up alerts if your uptime falls below 99.99-whatever percent and the like. I'm a big fan of having these alerts. If a part of the system goes offline it's nice to have somebody get texted to address the issue. During a failure (which you could feasibly simulate) you'll also be able to see whether it cascaded to parts of the system you might have thought were isolated. I know I keep coming back to it, but if you haven't I really encourage you to read the rest of my series on the fallacies - I've already covered a lot of fault tolerance strategies so there's a lot I'm leaving out here.

Conclusion #

I think the whole idea I want to convey is that every component of a distributed system is different from every other component, not just in the obvious ways but in every way. These differences might be small and subtle but they are there, and the most that these differences are acknowledged, discussed, coded for, and monitored around, the better. These differences crop up in a whole host of dimensions. There's the hardware dimension which I didn't discuss here, but then the software and architectural ones.

The focus of course is on those aspects which are often overlooked. We might forget about protocol differences because of course everyone uses HTTP, right? Or then we forget that an item is not an item when it's inside a cart. Often times these are problems which are easily resolvable once encountered, but sometimes they bring the whole show to a halt.

If we are to create truly robust distributed systems, we need to spend the time upfront to ensure our development is on the right track here, otherwise we expose ourselves to a great many more bug vectors, slowing development in the best case but impacting our users and businesses in the worst cases.