Topic: Blogging
Pull Requests are Just Fine, Thanks
If you search around, there's a lot of anti-PR sentiment to be found on software engineering blogs, but if you follow onto forums it doesn't seem to be a popular sentiment. Most of these criticisms are misdirected; in fact, pull requests are just fine. -
Publish Your Blogroll Now
I've done it and so can you; in fact, I've made it easier for you - way easier! -
I Have a Blogroll Now!
An actual blogroll, not just a blog post with a bulletted list of links! -
Book Club 10/2024: Fallacies of Distributed Computing
Putting a pin in the series I wrote this year on the topic of these Fallacies -
Book Club 9/2024: Blogroll
I've been dying to ask you; I really want to know: where do you get your ideas from? -
Why I Have This Blog
Reflecting on the last year of blogging. -
I've IndieWebbed My Site
A small, loose collection of formats and protocols, IndieWeb is an interesting supplement (maybe alternative) to social media